A Collection of Random Things

Things I come up sometime

Recently, I was assigned a task to create a module that other modules can subscribe to and get updates when message is logged. Naturally, one would think of using C# event to broadcast a message and client modules can subscribe to the event. Here I am leveraging the powerful log4net’s custom appender to broadcast event whenever an info level message is logged.

To construct the whole process, we need at least 3 classes:

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Recently, I am very intrigued by the webGl. There are several frameworks available on the market. For example:

  • Three.js
    The is the framework I choice for my little project. Its concept shares that of most of the scene graph, such as ILNumerics in C# (based on openTK). You can freely manipulate an scene object, then throw them into a scene. The webGl engine will render it for you. There are a lot of cool examples on their website with source code. Such as this one.
    Three.js example
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I have had a wonderful trip to Devil’s path in upstate New York. We hiked the “classic” eastern section which is usually considered to be more difficult. There are four peaks spanning across the entire 12 miles trail, Indian Head, Twin Mountains, Sugarload and Plateau.

The day started at 5:30am for people living in the city as the drive from New York city to the trail is around 2 hours, and around 1 hour and a half from the place I live.

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These days, I have been working on manipulating svg files throw d3.js and jQuery. The goal I have been trying to achieve is: given a svg file with point clouds, I need to be able to show label when mouse move close to any point. There are some limitations and require:

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In this blog, I am going to walk you through python decorator, which will make your code more concise and more professional.

Lets start by creating the simplest possible decorator

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